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Online Will & Estate Planning

Transferring the Stewardship of Your Resources (Is this the best title?)

We serve a deeply generous Heavenly Father who has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). And as His children, we strive to emulate His generosity in the way we steward what He’s entrusted to us.

All we have is truly His, and He cares about how we pass it on after He calls us home. That’s why creating a will or trust is so important.

Stewarding Our Resources

God has a lot to say about the rich blessings of family and the importance of caring for them.

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3 (NIV)

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.
1 Timothy 3:4 (NIV)

If you were to pass unexpectedly without a will, the state would determine how to allocate your possessions—a process that could take months or even years—and fail to honor your intent for your family and other causes close to your heart. Having a will shows your loved ones that you want them to be cared for. It also ensures that the ministries you hold dear—like your church and the worldwide work of The Alliance—will be a lasting part of your legacy.

Creating a will or trust can seem intimidating, but our team is here to help. Whether you're single, raising a young family, or have a complex estate, our team can help you prepare a will or trust—at little or no cost—that fulfills your unique stewardship objectives. Using our online partner platform, you can create:

  1. A Last Will and Testament

  2. A Revocable Living Trust

  3. A Living Will or Advance Healthcare Directive

  4. Power of Attorney

The platform also enables you to create non-legal documents—like a beneficiary plan or statement of faith—to accompany your will or trust. In many cases, you can create these documents online with little or no assistance; but if you need a little help, our Gift & Estate Design team is here to coach you through any unique circumstances or complications.

To get started, please enter your information below and indicate how you learned about online will planning.

Now click the blue button below that applies to your situation for important information and insights to help you create your will or trust. If you have any questions, please contact us by email or call 866-802-1490 and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.

Additional Resources

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This section contains various resources such as:

  • Online partner platform FAQs

  • Estate Planning FAQs

  • Charitable giving resources

  • Link to Faith & Finance articles

  • Glossary of terms

  • Contact us link

  • "You should have two financial goals in life: to make a little money first, and then to make a little money last."


  • "If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor, indeed. We are bought by the enemy with the treasure in our own coffers."

    Edmund Burke

  • "Every man ought to have money on his mind. No man ought to have money on his heart."


  • "How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver."

    Proverbs 16:16

  • "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surly to poverty."

    Proverbs 21:5

  • "Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth."

    Ecclesiastes 11:2

  • "Almost any man knows how to earn money, but not one in a million knows how to spend it."

    Henry David Thoreau

  • "We are not to jude thrift soley by the test of saving or spending. If one spends what he should prudently save, that certainly is to be deplored. But if one saves what he should prudently spend, that is not necessarily to be commended. A wise balance between the two is the desired end."

    Owen D. Young

  • "There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business from there."

    Colonel Sanders

  • "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner has stored up for the righteous."

    Proverbs 13:22

  • "Planning one's finances must take place under the sovereignty of God, recognizing His omnipotence, wisdom, purposes, and plans."

    Ron Blue

  • "If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area of his life."

    Billy Graham

  • "God can have our money and not have our hearts, but He cannot have our hearts without having our money."

    R. Kent Hughes

  • "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."

    I Timothy 6:18

  • "Ultimately, financial planning is the predetermined use of financial resources in order to accomplish certain goals and objectives. The difference in financial planning between the Christian and the non-Christian is the belief as to whom the financial resources belong and the source of the goals and objectives."

    Ron Blue

  • "…every spending decision is a spiritual decision"

    Ron Blue

  • "Stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of God-given goals."

    Ron Blue

  • "A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart."

    Jonathan Swift

  • "Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can."

    John Wesley

  • "A man's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character - how he makes it and how he spends it."


  • "Financial planning is allocating limited financial resources among unlimited alternatives."

    Ron Blue