Our Portion

The following reflection was extracted from the Stewardship Study Bible published by Zondervan.

The economic imagery in Lamentations 3 demonstrates the critical connection that exists between faith and finances (Matthew 6:21). After reflecting on his own poverty in Lamentations 3:17, the poet turns his attention to God, his "portion" (v. 24). The term “portion” in ancient Israel carried an economic significance easily lost on modern readers. The word has its origin in the distribution of the promised land among the 12 tribes as their inheritance from God. For an ancient Israelite, the totality of life, economic status, and social security were tied to the land God had given him.

The priests received no inheritance of land. Instead, God said to Aaron, "I am your portion and your inheritance" (Numbers 18:20). This is the same share the writer of Lamentations claims for himself, depending absolutely on God for his safety and security. He does not overlook the fact that human beings find security in possessions. God, after all, gave us the desire to possess, and the writer is not ashamed to appeal to that desire. But instead of merely refusing to trust in resources and possessions as his refuge, the poet relocates his resources by clinging to God as his chosen portion.

How do we claim God as our portion and eternal security? According to Jesus, we can relocate our wealth by sharing with the needy. This is how we store up for ourselves lasting treasures in heaven (see Mt 6:19-21; Lk 12:32-34; 1Ti 6:17-19).

"Can you say with John Wesley, 'I value all things only by the price they will bring in eternity?’" challenges National Christian Foundation cofounder Terry A. Parker. "Do you get excited about investing the time, talent, and resources God has given you this day, so on that day you will hear Him say, 'Well done good and faithful servant?’"

In the words of John Nunes, a pastor, theologian and the president of a denominational relief agency, "As God's redeemed people, we have the calling—and opportunity—to be openhanded and tenderhearted toward those in need, not hard-hearted and tight-fisted . . ." Nunes continues, "David Belasic suggests that God is favorably biased toward the poor, toward those who are suffering, toward those who have been shattered by the vicissitudes of life. God cares. His people care too."

Faith & Finance Perspective

What changes in your life when you make God your portion (your security and inheritance)? How will you feel when you face God and think back about the times you had opportunity to give to others and didn't? What can you do to share with others today?

"Many Christians are going to be ashamed to face the Lord and explain why they hoarded money while others went hungry," predicts Christian financial stewardship leader Larry Burkett (1939-2003). "Once the commitment has been made to a disciplined lifestyle, regardless of the available income, the danger of greed and its by-products is significantly reduced."

What can you do today that would help alleviate the suffering of another person—or that would introduce them to the One who promises to bear their burdens? Let the Holy Spirit guide you and give you the courage to act on His prompting. Rejoice in how He is working through you—and know that Heaven is rejoicing with you.


Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

- Lamentations 3:22–24


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