Resources for Pastors
Click the button below to purchase Ron Blue financial discipleship books for your congregation.
Click the button below to access resources for pastors and leaders in the local church.
Add our Faith & Finance Gateway to your website to help your people understand all of their giving options.
Inspire stewardship and generosity in your church by hosting a seminar.
Group Study Materials
Order Ron Blue materials for your congregation, for individuals, or for group study. Discounts are available for purchases of 10, 25, 50, and 100 copies per title. The 4Hs of Financial Wisdom is a great starting point for anyone and is provided as a free downloadable PDF.
Request a Free Customized Faith & Finance Gateway
Non-cash gifts (planned gifts) can significantly increase giving and generosity in your church.
By adding customized planned giving web pages to your website, your church members can explore giving options beyond the offering plate - options that can benefit them and your church. Orchard Alliance will provide all the planned giving information; you provide your logo, colors, and preferred pictures to seamlessly integrate the pages into your current website. If your members have questions or are ready to establish a planned gift, Orchard Alliance’s experienced staff will walk them through the process. Check out an example of what these pages look like at Faith & Finance Gateway
Ready to add planned giving web pages to your website? Click here to get started!
Host A Stewardship Seminar to Increase Generosity in Your Church
Host an on-site stewardship seminar and ignite generosity in your church. Through practical and inspiring education, attendees will learn about the challenges of stewardship in three key life phases: Getting Established, Building Impact, and Leaving a Legacy. No matter what phase they are currently in, participants will walk away with the tools and resources they need to align their faith with their finances. Seminars can be done regionally, or in an on-site format. In addition to on-site presenters, Orchard Alliance’s team of gift and estate design professionals will also be supporting the event so your attendees can take action right away.
Seminars are a powerful tool to help your congregation grow in biblical stewardship. Learning about the many ways they can provide for their families, support ministry, and receive significant tax savings can result in the greatest gifts of their lifetime. By partnering with Orchard Alliance, your church can be included in those large gifts.
Complete the form below to let us know you’re interested in hosting a seminar for your church.
Support for Pastors/Leaders
The following resources are provided to help your congregation grow in financial discipleship. These files are in their original format and have not been modified. Please give appropriate credit to authors where appropriate.
Please note: This section is actively under development. Some links may not be accurate while a specific resource is being completed. Check back often as we continue to add to this section.
“From Stress to Rest” series - Riverside Church
Videos and handouts for this four-part series.
1. The Ultimate Financial Planner
2. Money No-No’s
3. I Can See Clearly Now
Part 1
4. I Can See Clearly Now
Part 2
God Owns It All - Ron Blue
Sample chapter, training videos, and workshop resources for this six-session bible study.
Training videos
Master Your Money series - Ron Blue
Sermon outlines and small group study guides for this four-part series.
1. Spend Less Than You Earn
2. Avoid the Use of Debt
3. Give Generously
4. Set Long-Term Goals
Generosity Prayers - New Spring Church
Generosity Prayer One:
Gracious God,
We thank you for the opportunity to joyfully contribute to your Kingdom with our finances, time, and presence. As we give, remind us that everything we have is yours. As we give, remind us that our security is found in you and not in money or possessions. As we give, remind us that true riches are found in your Kingdom. Magnify these gifts to bless our congregation, serve our neighbors, and multiply the impact of your generous love near and far.
Generosity Prayer Two:
Holy Father,
All that we have and are belong to You, bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. We bring nothing into this world and we take nothing out of it. To spend everything on ourselves and to give without sacrifice is the way of the world. But we choose to follow the way of Jesus, with free hearts and renewed minds, as joyful ambassadors of Your Kingdom. Help us increase in generosity until it can be said that there is no person in need among us. Increase our faithfulness with what we’ve been given that You may trust us with true riches. Above all, make us generous because our Father is generous, and as Your daughters and sons we want to show the world what You are like.
(adapted from a generosity liturgy written for Church of the City, NYC)
Faith & Finance Starter Pack
The Faith & Finance starter pack includes one copy of each of the following:
4Hs Assessment
Simplifying the Money Conversation
Financial Hope; and
God Owns It All
Request yours* today! Also, subscribe to stay up-to-date on new and innovative resources to equip you and your church with financial discipleship tools.
* One starter pack per church, please.