What to buy new (and what to buy used)

When my husband and I were newly married, we had the privilege of having dinner with his uncle and aunt (we’ll call them Uncle Harry and Aunt Sadie). Through our conversation one evening, I learned that Aunt Sadie and I shared a love of thrift shopping and the fine art of finding a good deal. Aunt Sadie said she had recently gotten a particularly great deal on some men’s underwear for Uncle Harry at a garage sale. When he heard this, Uncle Harry exclaimed, “That’s why my underwear keeps falling down! I couldn’t figure out why the elastic was so worn out!”

Over the years, I have had some successes and some blunders when buying things used. As you might guess, underwear is on the always “buy new” list. (Sorry, Aunt Sadie.) But it isn’t always easy to know when it’s wise to buy something used. In some cases, the best way to effectively manage the resources God has entrusted to you is buy purchasing items second hand. Other times, it’s wiser and better stewardship to buy new.

Things to Buy New


When you see a used mattress for sale, the price may seem too good to pass up, but it’s rarely worth the savings. Buying a used mattress can pose a huge risk to your health. You don't know who (or what) slept on a used mattress, and it’s almost impossible to know if it carries dust mites, mold, or bedbugs. The average person spends a third of their life in bed, so you want to know this is a safe space.


With safety equipment, you hope you’ll never need it, but you want it to work if you do! Unfortunately, you can never if used helmets of any kind have already fulfilled their primary function in a previous emergency. Helmets are typically built for one-time emergency use. It may look fine on the outside, but the inner shell could be damaged meaning it cannot adequately absorb another impact. It can also be difficult to know if a particular model of helmet has been recalled or replaced by a newer model for safety reasons.

Puzzles and board games

Regrettably, this is one I have fallen victim to more than once. I’ve been wandering the aisles of my local secondhand store when there it is: a fun puzzle or board game that would be perfect for family game night or keeping my kids occupied on a rainy day. But too often when I get home and open my treasure I’ve been met with disaster—missing puzzle pieces, incomplete sets of cards or pieces needed to play the game are nowhere to be found. Unless it’s sealed and has clearly never been opened, you are setting yourself up for disappointment with a used puzzle or board game. Likely, the previous owner gave it away for just this reason.

Things to Buy Used

Exercise Equipment

Looking to set up a home gym? Consider looking at secondhand options. Many people buy exercise equipment thinking they will use it all the time, only to find they only use it as a drying rack for their laundry. Exercise equipment can be easy to find and has often seen very little use. Look online and locally for deals on used equipment.

Children’s Clothes

Until you have your own kids, you will never understand how quickly they grow! Buying a new wardrobe every time a child hits a growth spurt can get costly fast! If you’re looking for name-brand items at a discount, look for local resale shops and consignment stores. Search your area for local consignment stores that specialize in children’s clothing or visit an online consignment shop, like ThredUp.   


Whether you like cookbooks, science fiction novels, or you need a textbook for your next college course, buying used can be a great way to save money. This might mean browsing your local used bookstore to see what treasures you can find or looking for a specific book on Amazon and selecting a used option at a lower price. Your choices for used books are practically endless! Students who are looking to save money on textbooks can save as much as 80 percent by buying used. The College Investor website published an entire article about the best places to buy college textbooks online. When you’re thinking about making any kind of purchase, stop and weigh the pros and cons of buying used verses new. We are called to be responsible stewards of everything God has entrusted to us. Finding good deals can not only be fun, but they can also free up some of your resources that could be used for Kingdom purposes. What an awesome way to honor the Lord with your finances!


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