Leaving a Lasting Legacy


Leaving a Lasting Legacy

A Christian's Handbook for Gift and Estate Planning

by Michael L. Smith J.D.

Perhaps for the first time in history, there is enough wealth amongst Evangelical Christians in the United States alone to fund the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). As we approach the end of the age, Christians have an unprecedented opportunity to change the world through their charitable and estate gifts. Leaving A Lasting Legacy will inspire you to look at your financial resources as a set of tools which can impact the world with the message of the Gospel. The purpose of this book is twofold. First, it is meant to give the reader a basic understanding of the estate and gift planning process. Secondly, it is meant to inspire those with a Christian Worldview to look at their estate resources as a set of tools which can impact the world with the message of the Gospel. The book is split into five chapters. Chapter 1, entitled A Lasting Inheritance, introduces the concept of Biblical Estate Planning. Chapter 2, Estate Planning Essentials, gives the reader the nuts and bolts of the legal issues surrounding estate planning. Chapter 3, Health Care Planning & Health Care Directives, takes an in-depth look at the legal and practical issues during incapacity. Chapter 4, Great Commission Estate & Gift Planning, explores the impact of charitable giving at home and around the globe. Lastly, Chapter 5, Leaving a Legacy, encourages the reader to pass on their eternal values to the next generation.


Splitting Heirs


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