Free To Give As God Intended
Tithes and Offerings are perhaps one of the most misunderstood biblical topics in the church today. Free to Give as God Intended is an amazing and easy to read Bible study on tithes and offerings that will help you know the truth, once and for all, about Christian giving. Should Christians tithe? Is tithing required by God? Are you confused about what God expects from you in relation to your giving? Has giving to your church, or the inability to give, ever caused you to feel guilt or shame? Have you ever been conflicted over whether to pay your bills or pay your tithes? Have you ever wondered if the Old Testament laws of tithing apply to Christians today? Does giving to your church feel more obligational than joyful? If you can relate to any of the questions above, then this book will be a great blessing to you. Christian generosity expert, Guy Burgo, will walk you through the common beliefs about church giving and compare these beliefs to the truth of God’s Word. Giving to God should be a joyful experience that comes from your heart, according to your ability. In an easy to read, conversational manner, Guy will help you understand what the Bible really says about giving, and set you Free to Give as God Intended.