The Power of Giving


When you think about getting established financially, your mind likely goes to some practical places. You need to wrestle through the decision of whether to buy or rent. You have to get established with a financial institution to deposit your paychecks and pay your bills. You need to decide how much to contribute to your 401k and determine what insurance policies you need. The list of “to-dos” can seem overwhelming.

With the busyness of laying down your roots, it’s easy to overlook a key area that will help determine the trajectory of your life for the next several decades: your plan for generosity. Generosity is just as important as shopping around for the best mortgage rates. In fact, Jesus addresses how we view and use our finances as much as—if not more than—any other topic in Scripture.

Ron Blue talks about the power of generosity as the key to financial contentment and financial freedom in a recent blog post:

Today I get to talk with you about one of the subjects I am most passionate about: generosity. I firmly believe that generosity is the key to financial contentment and to financial freedom.

Jesus’ economic views never line up with the “seek security for retirement” mindset that we, as Americans, have as a bedrock for our financial pursuits. Rather, Jesus said things like, “Go, sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor” (to the Rich Young Ruler in Luke 18) and “You cannot serve God and wealth” (in Matthew 6) and “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you” (also in Matthew 6).

Those teachings are hard. They are challenging. What is God after? What does He want from us? Sacrifice?

Giving generously toward God’s purposes will draw your heart to Him in ways that nothing else can. Nothing.

I believe that the simple answer is that He wants our hearts. Jesus also said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19 – 21, NASB)

Jesus knows that the key to our hearts is our treasure. When He has our treasure, He has our hearts.

So, as you consider the place of giving in your own life, ask yourself the heart question. The fact is: Giving generously will never make the most financial sense. The fact is: Even your most generous gifts will not alleviate a large part of the world’s suffering. However, the fact is: Giving generously toward God’s purposes will draw your heart to Him in ways that nothing else can. Nothing.

As you chart a path toward financial wisdom by saving, controlling debt, having a budget, and setting goals, don’t miss the chance to chart a simultaneous path toward the heart of God by giving generously.

Faith & Finance Perspective:

It may seem countercultural to embrace the reality that giving money away results in financial freedom. The world teaches us that financial freedom is defined by how much we’re able to hold onto—rather than how much we’re able to give. Even as Christ-followers, we often ask, “How much do I need to give?” when a more Kingdom-minded question might be “How much do I really need to keep?”

As you chart your financial journey, consider the freedom you will realize in knowing that all we have is God’s, and all He has is ours through divine inheritance. When we use what is truly His in ways that honor Him, the burden of financial control is lifted from our shoulders. A generous follower emulates the heart of a generous Father.

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. – 2 Cor 9:11-12


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