The Fruits of Kingdom Generosity: Japan
Our Christian and Missionary Alliance heritage has affirmed again and again that going to the hard places takes time, patience, and perseverance. Early Alliance missionaries labored to launch and sustain a meaningful, impactful gospel presence in hostile and perilous locations for decades without seeing a single decision for Christ. But their perseverance paid off, as God has brought forth significant fruit in many of these dry and barren lands.
Yet, in other lands, like Japan, the gospel has yet to fully take root and flourish. The Alliance began its work there when three pioneer Alliance missionaries were sent there in 1889. A few decades later, The Japan Alliance Church was formed under the initiative of missionaries in 1914, and the Japan Alliance Bible School was established in Hiroshima in 1923. Read the incredible story of pioneer Alliance missionary Mabel Francis who, in 1962, was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor of Japan—the highest honor ever bestowed on a foreigner. Be sure to watch the video at the end of the story to see how Mabel’s impact inspired others to carry on the ministry she and others launched in Japan.
Mabel Francis as she receives the Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor of Japan
The Joy & Impact!
Gospel Resistance in Japan Today
As you’ll see in the video, despite these hopeful beginnings, the people of Japan have remained highly resistant to the gospel. Today, less than half of one percent of Japan's 124 million people are followers of Christ, making the Japanese one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. Our Alliance workers there face a daunting task, yet, through their persevering obedience and His enablement, God is using them in Japan to bring people to Christ, make disciples, train leaders, and plant churches.
Passing the Baton
As veteran Alliance international workers like Don and Hazel Schaeffer, who have served in Japan since 1983, enter retirement and return to the States, it is crucial that we continue to send and support a new generation of workers to take their place, so this vital work doesn’t lose its momentum. When we are earnest in our embrace of Kingdom stewardship, the work continues, and new workers—like Nick and Kathryn Strob—receive the baton and enter the race.
The Global Impact of Alliance Missions
From the time our very first Alliance missionaries were sent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1884, Alliance people have committed to sending and supporting our international workers so they can establish and sustain a viable gospel presence where none had previously existed. As a result, the worldwide Alliance family now comprises more than 6 million believers worshiping in more than 25,000 churches in 180 languages and dialects. These are the lasting fruits of Kingdom generosity and biblical stewardship.
Finishing the Task Through Kingdom Stewardship
Today, Alliance international workers you send and support through your generous giving to The Alliance continue to answer this sacrificial call. They have spent years preparing. They have left behind people and places they hold dear to live among the lost and overlooked they’ve been called to serve. They have learned difficult languages and immersed themselves in unfamiliar cultures—to preach Christ in word and deed where He is not yet known.
Because of your commitment to Kingdom stewardship, the work will continue until the gospel is within reach of every nation, tongue, and tribe—and our Risen King will return to take us home!
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
—Matthew 24:14
Watch the Alliance Missions Engagement 2024-25 video: now. to the harvest
Faith & Finance Perspective:
As members of the Alliance family, we long to see our All of Jesus for All the World vision fulfilled. We want lost, displaced, and suffering people to experience Christ’s loving embrace—just as we have experienced it ourselves.
The most vital cause we can commit to is the Great Commission. In the 28th chapter of Matthew, Jesus commanded His disciples to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Some of us are called to go, while others are called to send and support those who do. Our Kingdom stewardship is vital to Jesus being made known in the last remaining unreached corners of our world. Take some time to ask God what role He wants you to fulfill in this Christ-honoring task.
. . . for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
—Romans 10:13-15