How Deep Am I Willing to Go?


The Deeper Life

The “deeper life,” or as A.W. Tozer called it, the “transformed life,” has been a closely held Alliance distinctive since our movement’s inception.  Without deeper life transformation, we cannot enter into true worship, persevere through temptation, navigate the storms of life, or fulfill our Alliance All of Jesus for All the World vision.

Historical Context

In his multi-day camp meetings, Alliance Founder A.B. Simpson always preached the deeper life message before presenting the Great Commission challenge. He wanted to make sure that his listeners’ hearts were transformed before their commitments were solidified and their wallets were opened.

As Tozer writes,

“Receiving Jesus Christ into your life means that you have made an attachment to the Person of Christ that is revolutionary in that it reverses the life and transforms it completely! It is complete in that it leaves no part of the life unaffected. It exempts no area of the life of the total man. By faith and through grace, you have now formed an exclusive relationship with your Savior, Jesus Christ. All of your other relationships are now conditioned and determined by your one relationship to your Savior. To receive Jesus Christ, then, is to attach ourselves in faith to His holy person, to live or die, forever! He must be first and last and all!”

Living Under Christ's Lordship

If we truly agree with Tozer’s words, we must acknowledge that no area of our life remains untouched by Christ's Lordship—including our plans, purposes, and possessions. Yet, as scripture often reminds us, these elements are often the most difficult to surrender to His Lordship (see Mark 10:17–27). Our current culture promotes individualism, materialism, and hoarding wealth. We need God’s help to avoid these cultural pitfalls, resist material temptations, and rely fully on His all-sufficiency. His Word assures us of His power, presence, and provision along the way.

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.

- 2 Peter 1:3

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

- John 14:26

As these scriptures make clear, God has made his spiritual riches available to us as coheirs with Christ. All He has is ours. But Scripture also makes clear that All we have is His:

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.

- Psalm 24:1

Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.    

- 1 Chronicles 29:11

Faith & Finance Perspective:

If we, as Christ-followers, want to remain fully committed to the transformed life, we can’t ignore that biblical stewardship and financial discipleship are vital parts of the journey. We are to strive for this not out of obligation or compulsion but rather because of the immense joy we derive from aligning our hearts with God’s—the ultimate fruit of the transformed life.

As someone who longs to go deeper in your walk with Jesus, do you consider biblical stewardship an essential component of that “deeper life” journey?

Consider journaling about some of the things that may be keeping you from fully relinquishing control of your finances to God. Maybe you fear He may not be willing to provide everything you need or want? Or that your financial plans may not fully align with His? Or that you need to horde away extra reserves in case of a financial downturn or recession? These are common fears, and God will never shame you for having them. He just wants you to experience the freedom and joy that come with fully trusting in His plans, purposes, and provision.

Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

- Psalm 86:11


Work and Its Meaning


Saving for Short and Long-Term Goals