Wealth and Giving in the Bible


Editor’s note: It has long been noted that money is mentioned more in Scripture than any other topic. More importantly, the management of wealth has been a sacred tenet of God’s covenant with His people from generation to generation. So, as we face the challenges and opportunities associated with balancing our budgets, providing for our own needs, and caring for those God has entrusted to us, we would do well to visit and revisit the timeless biblical truths that illuminate the path toward financial freedom and fulfill Christ’s redemptive plan for humankind.

The following excerpt from God and Money by John Cortines and Gregory Baumer is a good launching point to ponder the “wealth” of scriptural wisdom at our disposal. If you find yourself intrigued, encouraged—or even unsettled—by what you read below, prayerfully consider challenging yourself to dig deeper by getting a copy of their book.

In my first year at Harvard Business School, I (Greg) read the entire Bible front to back. Although I grew up in the church, this was my first time reading every word of Scripture in order. Reading the whole Bible as a single unit allowed me to better appreciate the overall flow of God’s story: God creates man, who rebels against Him. God relentlessly pursues His people, only to be betrayed over and over again. In His faithfulness, God sends His son Jesus Christ to bear the colossal consequences of our sin. In the resurrection of Jesus, God demonstrates His victory over sin, offering us the opportunity to enter into pure relationship with Him. Now free of our sin, we identify our ultimate purpose: “to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.” Reading the entire Bible made clear to me that God’s story is one of faithfulness, salvation, and grace.

The Bible includes approximately 500 verses on both prayer and faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money!

I noticed a few other common threads in the Bible’s narrative during this experience as well. For one thing, the Bible says a lot about money. The Bible includes approximately 500 verses on both prayer and faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money! Indeed, money is the subject of roughly 40 percent of Jesus’ parables. I thought God must consider the topic to be quite important to devote so much space to the subject. So, when John and I began exploring the topic of wealth and generosity in more depth, I wondered, “What does the Bible really say about money?” Is there a way to identify Scripture’s overall lessons on the subject? I started digging into those 2,000 verses and was amazed to find that God does indeed teach a consistent set of lessons about wealth and giving, from Genesis to Revelation.

In 1973, businessman Howard Dayton categorized all 2,350 verses on money into a single, topical index. As he told us, “That study radically and permanently changed me from worshiping money to serving Christ.” Having served as the leader of both Crown Financial and Compass Ministries, Howard has helped reach over 50 million people with biblical truth about money. You can explore his exhaustive scriptural index here.

Excerpted from God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School by John Cortines, Gregory Baumer

Faith & Finance Perspective:

Some questions to ponder — What is it about money discussions that often make us feel uncomfortable? Why is it so difficult to relinquish control of our finances? Do we truly trust God to provide for our needs? Or do we tend to seize that responsibility when our faith falters?

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. —Deuteronomy 8:18


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